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Limber Desk: My Sustainable Dynamic Desk

Limber Desk: My Sustainable Dynamic Desk

I’ll be the first to admit I’m a workaholic. But not the kind that sits in an office chair all day (I don’t even own an office chair, more on that soon) and wears an uncomfortable, stuffy suit. I’m the kind of workaholic that cannot stop working because my life IS my work.

My life mission is to see people and planet get along in the sort of synergy that allows everyone and everything to thrive. It’s a damn privilege to ‘work’ most minutes of my life, actioning ways that I can make this happen.

Sometimes this workaholic life of mine looks like hosting educational events, consulting with businesses around what they can do better, creating beautiful content with my photographer to share stories online, or gardening to remind myself of my why. But most of the time, honestly… it looks like me working at my desk on my computer, poking my tongue out in so many weird ways- because that’s what I do when I concentrate.

My work space comfort is crucial, and I’m proud to say my workspace is: Limber Desk.

Note: I’m 177cm tall for your reference when checking out the pictures.

I bought a Limber Desk in November last year (I was given a discount in exchange for sharing my honest feedback with you all #transparency), and my work life has completely changed. My productivity has skyrocketed and my health has improved dramatically. No wonder it was recently called the healthiest desk in the world by Galen Cranz, the senior professor of design and architecture at Berkeley University in California!

Key reasons I love my Limber Desk

  • The desk moves up and down so fast. It can rest at any level including the ground for kneeling!

  • I can move in so many different ways (for a super active person and yogi, this is ideal)

  • Made to last

  • Made with sustainable and ethical values

  • Looks freaking fab in my office

  • Hides cables

  • Stores my books/diaries perfectly

  • No back or body pain

  • Makes all my friends jealous

  • It’s the best sustainable standing desk in New Zealand (according to my research)

  • It’s not actually a standing desk, it’s a dynamic desk- I do so much more than just stand

  • Limber Desk are truly transparent in how they do business (they acknowledge they’re not perfect, but always push for the most sustainable solutions)

Let me take you back to my pre-Limber Desk days, to show you the evolution of my office space and how one desk changed so much.

In November 2019 (last year) my desk looked like this:

Limber Desk 11.JPG

For someone who works 24/7 from home, is a freelance writer, director of two businesses (at the time), and lives in their office… this temporary set up needed to be exactly that: temporary.

In the spirit of sustainability, instead of buying a new desk, I turned my desk (which was my husband’s desk when he was a kid) into a standing desk with the help of a second hand coffee table and crate. I balanced our record player, old phone books, and our medicine box so the screens were in the right places. I decided I wanted to stand all day long (rookie mistake), so I gave my office chair to a random on Facebook Marketplace.

Aside from when I needed to play a record or use medicine, I was super proud of this set up. I didn’t have to buy anything new, and it actually worked alright! But after several weeks, my back became sore (turns out standing all day is actually not much better than sitting all day!) and my keyboard continued to frustrate me because it was balancing precariously on a wooden board. Quickly, my body and my husband began whispering ‘get a proper desk, get a proper desk.''‘

So, I did. And it’s seriously the best self investment I’ve ever made.

Limber Desk 1.jpg

My Limber Desk is better than anything I could have ever imagined. Every time I walk into my office, I smile- I’ve had the desk for nearly 6 months now and it still feels like a novelty. Although I never admitted it because I was too proud of my creation, I used to dread walking into my office cluttered with crates and the busyness of my DIY standing desk creation.

Key Body, Health, and Work Changes

Before my Limber Desk, I forgot to move around and would get store and stiff by the end of the day. If I had been for a big run or HIT workout, I’d be even more stiff- I exercise most days, so this became a problem. I’d also become drowsy after lunch time and super unproductive.

Because my Limber Desk moves so easily to and from each position, I avoid stiffness and my body comes alive again at the start of every posture. This means I avoid exhaustion or drifting off- though I’m not a super human, so I still have my moments.

A regular routine for me is standing in the morning, sitting before lunch, sitting after lunch, and standing again in the late afternoon. My recovery after serious exercise has really improved, and being generally aware of my wellbeing at work has encouraged me to drink more water, take my vitamins, and stay mindful of all my work habits.

My Limber Desk suits me so well because:

I’m a mover…

I need a desk that lets me stand, sit, squat, kneel, and practice weird yoga poses while typing. Limber Desk not only allows me to do this, but it actually encourages it. Their motto:

The best posture, is the next posture.

I’m a conscious consumer…

The desk is made from sustainably forested Nordic Birch wood from Finland. Limber Desk offset 225% of their 2018 operating carbon emissions and are a Climate Positive Operations business.

They also partner with Common Unity Project Aotearoa, a charity dedicated to feeding and improving the lives of vulnerable children. Inside the charity’s ReMakery, Limber produces the desks and work with their partners and projects to provide opportunities to the local community and feed delicious, locally farmed and organic produce to the young people in the community.

The bags used in the Limber counterweights (the weights that mean the desk moves smoothly up and down) are made by the Sew Good Cooperative. Sew Good create employment for mothers, refugees, and the incarcerated. The wonderful team there make the bags out of premium denims that were destined for landfill, but get another life in a Limber Desk!

I respect my body…

Limber Desk is the brain child of physiotherapist, Bart de Vries, who became fed up with treating workplace injuries (read Bart’s full interview here). Why be the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff, when you can be the solution saving people from falling off, right? The desk was built to look after my body and prevent injuries. It definitely does!

I am a creative…

Human bodies were not made to stay still for 8-10 hours a day. No one ever sits at a desk in one position for hours on end and says “I’m so inspired, my creative juices are flowing!” The movement of the desk from standing to kneeling, or even sitting if I want to bring in a chair, means creativity flows easily.

I also play with the stool with my feet while I stand. This helps me come up with new ideas and solutions to whatever I’m working on. When I’m standing, the stool is effectively my fidget spinner, or the equivalent to an artist swinging a pencil through their fingers while they think.

I’m a free spirit…

Having such a flexible and varied work life also means I rely on my Limber Desk to adapt with me. The openness of the ‘petal’ shape and simplicity of the design means I happily run into check my phone in between gardening, kneel for 5 minutes between meetings, or flow in my workspace if I am there all day long. The wheels also mean I can move the desk around easily, though I generally have them locked into place in this spot pictured above.

For four weeks, Limber Desk founder, Bart de Vries, walked me through the process of not only getting used to my new way of working dynamically, but also questioning my work habits, movements, office atmosphere, and general work flow.

Bart taught me the importance of creating space in order to enter ‘flow’. You know that feeling when you’re in the zone, your mind is completely on task, and your brain is throwing you all sorts of helpful ideas to complete the task at hand with ease? That’s flow, and it’s AMAZING to be in. As a writer, entering ‘flow’ is really important, and sometimes pretty hard to find.

After each 30 minute session with Bart, I focused on positively changing something about my work life. I changed up the atmosphere of my office, became conscious of when and how often I open and close my laptop, and set up rituals which now help me begin and end my work sessions most effectively.

Dear Diary…

I’m not a regular diary writer, but for the purposes of this blog, I kept a diary for the first few months of owning a Limber Desk and rehabilitating my work life. Below are a few entries that give you insight into how the ethos of mindfulness and flow behind my Limber Desk, changed everything.

21st November

I’ve felt the most comfortable and satisfied in my work today, EVER. Everything flowed, until 5pm when my brain stopped working.

22nd November

More settled, better routine in breaking up my day. Drinking more water. Tired heels, hard to work at 2pm (I hadn’t yet got into the habit of moving enough!). Flipping stool with my feet.

25th November

I’m decluttering more and making my space more MINE. I kneeled on my stool a lot today after the 21km walk in the weekend. The birds (I have pet birds) are happier when out with me working at my desk. Listened to music all day long.

26th November

Feeling motivated, empowered, getting into routine and saying NO to things that are not priority. My body is recovering from the walk well. Ups and downs today (desk, not mood).

2nd December

  • Took away pillows so the spare bed in the room doesn’t look like a bed

  • Rearranged all my ‘stuff’ and put up photos and beautiful wreath

  • Sat down on my stool a lot today in a side floor sitting position

  • Starting my day with natural air freshener and picking a rose from the garden

3rd December

Turned the bed into a lounge. Better vibes in the room.

5th December

Tried a more filling breakfast. I missed my desk today (I was out), so worked on it at 8pm :)

6th December

I knelt on both knees with my stool for most of the day. Got restless a lot because I was stubborn and didn’t want to stand up. Had good chunks of work. Sore tail bone if I stay in one place for too long (learning!). Having better breaks between work and getting priorities sorted.

9th December

Feeling shitty today. One of those days when it feels best to just go back to bed! I really loved being able to kneel in lots of a different ways rather than stand and being encouraged by a lovely and positive working environment helped.

10th December

Out all day, worked at other desks and that made me realise just how good I have it! Sitting down at standard desks makes me feel so sluggish! My work environment is such a privilege. I even miss my desk and went straight to it after I came home to say hey :)

11th December

Great desk day all day. Did lots of movement today. Lots of ups and downs, stopped to stretch and hang out with Chai (the dog). So so so hot today. Remembering to pick a flower each day as a mindfulness routine and thinking of my quote/mission to impact just one person. Breakfasts later in the day are really working!

Images by Francisco Photos

If you’re like me, and need a desk that flows WITH you, fosters movement and mindfulness, and is made with people and the planet in mind:

Limber Desk have offered to gift you a free stool (valued at $190) when you use code ETHICALLYKATE.

Shop here.

P.S. Want to hear more from Bart (founder)? Make sure you read my interview with Bart here.

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Talking Health & Wellness In The Workplace With Limber Desk

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